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Winter Cloth Drive-Donate any gently used or new clothing items.

purav socio foundation

Old man shivered from the cold

Once upon a time, there was an old man who lived alone in a small cottage in the countryside. Every winter, the old man shivered from the cold, as his cottage was not very well insulated. He had no money to buy new materials for insulation and he couldn’t afford to buy a new, warmer home.

One day, a kindly neighbor named Raju noticed the old man’s plight and decided to do something to help. The neighbor gathered up some of his old blankets and quilts and brought them over to the old man’s house. He also brought some firewood, enough to last the man through the winter.

The old man was overjoyed with his neighbor’s kindness and thanked him profusely. He was able to stay warm and comfortable through the winter, thanks to his neighbor’s generosity.

From then on, the old man was never cold again during the winter season. He and his neighbor became the best of friends, and every winter, the old man would remember the kindness and generosity of Raju.

This story is not just about an old man. It is the condition of many people around us who do not have enough clothes or any clothes to survive winter.

Purav Socio Foundation appeals to all please come forward and help the needy by sharing your kindness.

Lets be a part of the winter drive and donate clothes for the needy people.

You can donate any gently used or new clothing items, including but not limited to coats, sweaters, pants, shirts, dresses, and shoes. You can also donate blankets, towels, and other household linens. All donations should be washed and in good condition. Thank you for your generosity in supporting this cause!