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Pandemic Impact: affected the health, education and lives of people, created a hunger wave and food shortage amongst the poors.

India is a country with a huge population .There is a lot of unemployment in
our country. Approximately 85 percent of the total population of our country
work in informal sectors where the daily wages given to them are their only source of
income. But this only source of income was hindered and their life was
degraded through the global pandemic i.e, Covid -19 that was spread
across the whole world. This pandemic has not only affected the health and
lives of the people but also it has created a hunger wave and food shortage
amongst the poors. Millions of daily wages earner and migrant labor’s lost
their job due to the lockdown which was ordered to control the spread of
Coronavirus. These people migrated from cities to their villages in
lockdowns due to rise in prices of food and they being unable to pay or buy
things due to hike in prices of all the essential commodities. They were
unable to manage a two time meal for their family .Before covid their
children were able to eat a full time meal under the mid day meal scheme
run by government in schools, but due to covid schools get closed and the
children became deprived of getting adequate amount of food. So to do
something for these marginalized communities and people’s many
initiatives were taken by government so that they can atleast get a one time
meal properly. Government provided free rations among the migrant
workers. But according to a report by The Hindu 96 percent of the migrant
labor’s didn’t get the free rations because of lack of information about it. On
March 28,2020 central government permitted the states to use NDRF
(National Disaster Relief Fund) to provide food and shelter to the migrant
workers. Also the government issued a rule that states that no rent would be
taken by landlords during the period of lockdown. And the migrants should
be paid their wages without any deduction. State government were ordered
to set up relief camps for these people and ration kits were distributed
among them. Many NGOs also took the initiative to provide shelter, food ,and health
camps to these people. Many transportation facilities were also provided to
them so that they can reach their home safely.
On April 1, 2020 wages under MNREGA was increased from Rs 182 to Rs
202 for the workers. Govt. distributed 5kg grains along with 1 kg grams per
family for 2 months free. But even though various measures were taken by
government to compensate the losses of these people’s by providing food
and shelter but still these people are unable to sustain normal life due to
the problems of being unemployed and no source of income present for
them. So we must have to make a proper concrete planning to do
something for them so that the effect of covid on their survival and
livelihood can be minimized.
For example
Government can provide some money to them so that they can start their
own business.
They could also be given some loans with lower interest so that they can
invest it in their businesses and also can al
become financially secure to at least get a full-time meal and shelter so that
they could live a peaceful and healthy life which will also lead to
development of our country.
As it is a common saying that -“The greatest nations are only identified by
how they treat their weakest inhabitants “

About Author
Sanjeevani Pathak