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Category Archives: Stories

How ngos are helping schools

NGOs can help schools in various ways, including: Providing educational resources: NGOs can provide schools with educational materials such as books, stationery, and equipment to help enhance students’ learning experiences. Supporting teacher training: NGOs can provide training programs for teachers to improve their teaching skills,

Empowering Tomorrow- Republic Day Rally with Purav Socio Foundation

26th January is one of the most significant days in India’s history as it is celebrated as the Republic Day. This day marks the adoption of the Constitution of India and the establishment of India as a sovereign Republic. To commemorate this day, many organizations,

How to invite guests speakers for your event

Organizing a successful event for your NGO can be a great way to attract more supporters and spread awareness about your mission. When inviting guests, it is important to consider who you would like to attend, how you will reach them, and what type of